TomasPS Portfolio
An interactive portfolio website with Material You implementation. Colors dynamically adjust to a selected theme. Choose one below to get started.
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Hi, I'm Tomas Palma! I’m a developer with a passion for curating innovative and responsive web applications, with highly-functional knowledge on various aspects of computer programming, web development, and hosting. Communicating well with others, troubleshooting, and fluency in English are some of my other skills.
Visit the other websites that I have built and deployed on this domain.
Ever since its inception, the World Wide Web has served as a fundamental mold that brings technologies and infrastructures together. I first started editing HTML templates for my blog and website.
My projects include UX design, UI animations, and icon illustration. Being comfortable with code allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences. In my spare time I like to take photos of things I see and like.
Click any of the cards below to know the activities I'm involved with my life at the moment. Cards will be updated as I pick up new interests and hobbies.
Development's always been my thing. Always has and always will be.
Keeping up with friends is hard, but they're my main source of joy in life.
Why do I listen to weird genres these days? I'm not sure, but I like 'em.